So I went to a matinee of Snakes on a Plane... I've been waiting for this one for months and wanted to see if the movie lived up to the hype... So here's the short version... It's not the best movie I've ever seen, but I enjoyed the whole thing and thought there were some really funny moments... Some stuff was excessively campy (snake biting a guy on his penis anyone?), but Samuel L. was great as always and you have to appreciate a big-budget B movie... Our parents were raised on B movies and we are now in the age of straight-to-video... Every movie we see in the theater is trying to be great (maybe thats because they charge so much now), but a lot of people just wanted to go to the movies for fun, not a higbrow experience... So, if that's you, and you don't mind some blood and puss, Snakes on a Plane is good fun...
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